JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION: Sounds of the African Diaspora 2024
Welcome, vendors! We’re thrilled to have you join us for the Juneteenth Celebration. Below, you’ll find links to make payments to Juneteenth Collective 1865. Be sure to download and submit the necessary forms to the City of Elizabeth. Inspectors will be on site the day of the event to verify one-day permits for both food and non-food vendors. Ensure your paperwork is in order for a smooth and successful participation experience! We appreciate your participation and look forward to a successful event together!
All Fees required by the City of Elizabeth are include in the donation listed below.
6/07/2024 is the last day to Register to be a vendor
Registration for vendors has been updated to ensure a variety of offerings for our visitors. All vendors will be screened before registration to prevent duplication and promote diversity. Fill out the form below, and a member of our staff will contact you within 24 hours with the next steps.